Over 50 employees of Orgenergostroy have academic degree in technical, geological, economical and physic-mathematical sciences. They carry out active scientific activities developing and introducing yearly the advanced construction methods, technologies and structures, innovative managerial decisions and unparalleled systems designed to optimize the terms and cost, as well as to upgrade the quality of work performance not only in industrial construction but also of construction nuclear facilities.


One of the latest examples of technological leadership of the company is the technology of concreting of Reactor building external and internal protective shells (EPS and IPS) at the modern NPPs. The technology was developed by Orgenergostroy specialists for NPP-2006 projects.

The technology proposed by JSC “Institute “Orgenergostroy” and based on adoption of self-compacting concrete mixes (SCCM) provides 4m instead of 1.5m  height of concreting tier and has a number of significant advantages:

  • minimum number of horizontal construction joints – as per the number of resets of forms (four tiers per 3 resets, i.e. for the whole cylindrical part of IPS only 12 resets of forms will be required alternatively to traditional method when up to 10 rests of forms per tier is required. Accordingly, up to 40 resets of forms are required for IPS cylindrical part). That contributes to reduction by more than 3 times of labor expenditures for installation-dismantling of forms  and accordingly to reduction by 3 times of labor expenditures for preparation of horizontal construction joints before following concreting;
  • exclusion of labor expenditures for concrete mix vibration;
  • minimization of formation in EPS concrete of cavities, honeycombs and voids in case of irregular vibration or of concrete mix segregation and therefore minimization of the risk of deterioration of concrete strength and of necessity in repair-recovery works.

The EPS and IPS structures built applying said technology comply completely with design requirements and, besides evident pluses, are distinguished by high-quality surface of reinforced concrete structures that reduces significantly the time for finishing works.

A fragment of a room made of reinforced formwork wall blocks and a power plant floor, assembled on the facilities of Orgenergostroy.
A fragment of a room made of reinforced formwork wall blocks and a power plant floor, assembled on the facilities of Orgenergostroy.
Fragments of welded armoblocks with fixed steel-fiber-concrete formwork
Fragments of welded armoblocks with fixed steel-fiber-concrete formwork


Another actually advanced concept  developed by Orgenergostroy specialists  is the technology of enlarged reinforced concrete and reinforcement-form blocks  (with stay-in-place forms) of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) with high cracking resistance, low shrinkage and creep. 

The reinforcement-form blocks of walls and partitions with load bearing reinforcement cages are supplied to the site completely factory assembled with penetrations, embedded pieces, door opening framing, etc. installed  in them.

When using reinforcement cages with contour rolled shapes, the reinforcement-form blocks, installed in design position, are welded by welds of design length to the reinforced concrete blocks of foundation or of lower walls and of walls adjoining foundation.

After placing concrete into reinforcement-form blocks of walls up to the elevation corresponding to floor bottom, the heavy weight equipment are installed, the reinforced concrete blocks of floor are mounted and concreted.

Application of present technology shall contribute to not only upgrading of functional performance of an object, but also to increasing the speed of construction and erection works by min. 1.5-2 times in course of NPP construction.


Among the recent Orgenergostroy developments applied within the framework of realization of our projects and which have proved their effectiveness are as follows:

  • Project management system OES-Project, that allows arranging, with higher effectiveness, the management of construction project, realizing diary and network scheduling and controlling the process of implementation of works by own forces and by sub-contractors at each stage even remotely;
  • Civil structures monitoring system, providing tracking of relevant characteristics of the objects in course of operation, maintenance and repairs. Said system was tested at Berezovskaya SDPP where it was applied in course of repair and recovery works for tracking of strain state of the skeleton load bearing structures and allowed preventing occurrence of emergency situations, avoiding human losses and incidental financial losses.
Project management system OES-Project
Project management system OES-Project
Structural Monitoring System
Structural Monitoring System

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