In March 2016, a branch office of Orgenergostroy was established on the territory of Berezovskaya SDPP. The work on loosening the emergency structures of the boiler cell frame was carried out by the branch office on its own.
At the initial stage of work, with the direct participation of Orgenergostroy specialists, two concepts for performing repair and restoration work were developed, from which the most optimal concept has been selected and is currently being implemented, which allows to minimize the Customer's costs for the restoration of damaged equipment and structures, while observing the assigned resource of the power unit.
At the stage of defining the concept of restoration work, Orgenergostroy participated in the survey and carried out a full range of works on monitoring the stress-strain state of load-bearing structures with the determination of their physical and mechanical properties, development of a computational model of the dynamic state of the system and computational support of the model, creation and maintenance of the monitoring system to ensure safe conditions during repair and restoration work of the boiler cell of Berezovskaya SDPP, development of a pricing methodology to correctly determine the cost of performing special (atypical) work in the area of possible development of an accident and collapse.
As part of the top-priority repair and restoration work, JSC "Institute "Orgenergostroy" performed a set of works aimed at ensuring the stability of the building structures and boiler elements, determining the optimal scheme for mechanization of restoration work, as well as ensuring the readiness of the building structures and equipment of the boiler room for overhaul of the main period.