Atomic energy

Atomic energy

During Soviet Union time Orgenergostroy provided yearly technical assistance to more than 160 power engineering construction projects, took part in realization of such relevant construction projects as: Beloyarskaya, Novovoronezhskaya, Balakovskaya, Zaporozhskaya, Khmelnitskaya and other NPPs.
The first works were performed in course of construction of Beloyarskaya and Novovoronezhskaya NPPs where various technologies and engineering solutions (e.g. use of prefabricated elements, large-sized reinforced concrete blocks and application of heavy weight concrete) were developed and tested.

The worst nuclear disaster in the history of the industry occurred on April 26, 1986, when No.4 reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded. A team of experts from various Soviet institutions was assembled to respond fully to the disaster's aftermath. This included the Orgenergostroy expert group that conducted surveys, developed methods and techniques, and selected the ingredients for concrete mixes necessary for a rapid response to address the consequences.

Currently, some 1,290 professionals, including engineering staff, are working on the site with over 89 units of specialized machinery. At its peak, the project is expected to employ about 4,500 people and 250 pieces of construction equipment.

… His (Institute’s) employees performed a tremendous job eventually for all construction object of Chernobyl. Deputy Director Khayutin Y.G. left to the area on May 3rd, 1986, and within a week a specialized team from his institute acted under management of the ministry response center. In fact over 120 employees from 17 departments took part in planning of various activities. Moreover, 30 employees worked directly in Chernobyl , at average for one month each. Only from May to December, together with other organizations or with institute own forces they design concrete mix compositions for different types of works, including those, in which US-605 was used for construction of sarcophagus…

L. Kaibysheva is the author-witness of consequences of the accident at Chernobyl NPP described in her book “After Chernobyl”.
For the last several years the specialists of the company were engaged actively in realization of 15 project all over the world, including:
  • "Rooppur " NPP;
  • Kurskaya NPP-2;
  • Rostovskaya NPP;
  • Baltiyskaya NPP ;
  • "Paks-II" NPP;
  • Leningradskaya NPP-2;
  • "Belene" NPP;
  • Belorusskaya NPP;
  • Nizhegorodskaya NPP;
  • "El Dabaa" NPP;
  • "Akkuyu" NPP;
  • "Kudankulam " NPP;
  • Armenian NPP;
  • "Hanhikivi" NPP, and others.
carrying out, in one or another scope, activities on designing and development of the required documents (JOI, DD, WD, COP, WEP, Especially complex WEP, etc.), comprehensive engineering survey, construction and erection works and supply of equipment as well.

Nowadays JSC OES is one of the largest private companies of the Russian Federation in nuclear field being a permanent contractor of State Corporation “Rosatom” and of subsidiary structures.

Besides, competence and experience of Orgenergostroy allow us implementing works within the framework of  contracts on decommissioning and handling radioactive waste, including such works as:
  • Comprehensive engineering-radiological inspection of equipment and elements of buildings and structures  ;
  • Release of Object Safety Justification Report, including detailed Safety Justification Report to provide extension of service life period, and correction of design documents;
  • Development of WEP to provide dismantling of equipment within controlled access area at NPP and other nuclear facilities;
  • Performance of construction and erection works  on dismantling of buildings and structures and rehabilitation of territory;
  • Development of innovative methods of handling radioactive waste, including medium-active ones;
  • Scientific research activities (R&D) related to decommissioning of especially complex industrial objects, including nuclear facilities.

© 2025. Joint Stock Company "Institute "Orgenergostroy"